A joy for many, not least the gift giver.
At Monkfish, we believe that these times are best handled together and with a communal mindset.
We are therefore offering help to send a nice personal greeting and a package to your employees or customers. There could be numerous occasions, but common to all is that, with a thoughtful gift, you show your gratitude and that you acknowledge the importance of your employees, or customers, to your company during this challenging time.
We have already packed and delivered several thousand different kinds: Easter packages with chocolate, a complete Easter lunch basket, Friday bar kit with snacks, garnish, and delicious drinks, Yoga bag with mat and fine products included, Breakfast meeting package to sweeten up the many new virtual meetings, and Pampering baskets for the many missed employees, who are working from home.
The packages are custom-made based on your particular wishes and on whom you wish to please. We add a beautiful packaging and a card with your personal greeting and, not least, arrange for the delivery.
At Monkfish, we see opportunities in these times of impossibilities, and the idea for these packages was born from the desire to help our many small suppliers during a difficult time.
As it turns out, the packages not only continue to help them, but also bring joy to our crew, to ourselves at Monkfish, and to the lucky recipients, who are not only surprised and grateful, but also overjoyed. And not least of all for the gift givers, whose smiles say it all.
The options are limitless!
If you are interested in hearing more, then don’t hesitate to contact
Rikke Salling at either +45 20105910 or rs@monkfish.dk. or see more at www.aboutabox.dk